Master Practitioner of Meditation Teaching and Holistic Counselling Training Course


63 Modules



(min 1340 hours)


Part-time: 134 weeks (10 hours of study/week) 

Study break allowance (included in course durations) = 22 weeks
Full time: 67 weeks (20 hours of study/week)

Study break allowance (included in course durations) = 14 weeks


IICT Recognised certification:
(1)Meditation and Holistic Human Development Practitioner

(2) Holistic Counselling Skills for Meditation Teachers

(3) Meditation Therapist

(4) Holistic Empowerment Coaching

(5) Holistic Counselling

This certification course includes:

Module 1 – Foundation studies in meditation

Module 2 – Understanding the cause & effects of stress

Module 3 – Foundations of human happiness

Module 4 – Tools for healing

Module 5 – Meditation styles and techniques

Module 6 – Teaching

Module 7 – Working with specific groups

Module 8 – Counselling & coaching skills for meditation teachers

Module 9 – Designing and facilitating classes and workshops

Module 10 – Virtual, corporate, and community settings

Module 11 – Holistic small business management

Module 12 – Marketing: The key to success

See full details here.

  • Introduction
  • How you will be able to use the autonomic nervous system
  • The study of the ANS (autonomic nervous system)
  • Dr. Bruce Lipton
  • Language
  • The three brains
  • The autonomic nervous system
  • Neurochemicals
  • The endocrine system
  • Module summary
  • The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
  • The Amygdala
  • The Central Nervous System (CNS)
  • The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
  • What a nerve consists of
  • The evolution of human consciousness
  • Homeostasis
  • The Heart-Brain
  • The Gut-Brain
  • Reprogramming the autonomic nervous system by changing our perceptions and beliefs
  • Finding beliefs to change
  • Belief changing technique

Required Reading:

Beyond the Relaxation Response: How to Harness the Healing Power of Your Personal Beliefs by Herbert Benson, MD

The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD

  • Introduction to Brain-Body Medicine (Psychophysiology)
  • The Role of the Brain-Body Therapist (Psychophysiology Therapist)
  • Introduction to Brain-Body Medicine
  • The Physiology of Belief
  • Traumatic Beliefs
  • The Power to Heal
  • The Faith Factor and How to Provide it
  • Providing Evidence for Your Clients
  • Placebo – The Science Behind Brain-Body Medicine
  • Diagnosis and Seeking the Cause of Illness
  • Guiding Clients to Self-diagnose and Healing
  • Psychophysiology Diagnostic Tools
  • How to Work with Damaging Belief Systems and Conditioning
  • Medical Meditation
  • Writing the Prescription
  • Tools for the Psychophysiology Therapist
  • Marketing Your Brain-Body Therapy Practice
  • Building Clientele
  • Referring and Networking

Required Reading:

Mind Over Medicine: Heal Your Thoughts Cure Your Body by Lissa Rankin MD

Meditation as Medicine: Activate the Power of Your Natural Healing Force by Dharma Singh Khalsa MD

  • Introduction to Advanced Holistic Counselling
  • Seeing Clients – Individual and Group Therapy
  • Humanistic Psychology
  • Emotions and Counselling
  • Relationship Counselling and Counselling Couples
  • Counselling Young Adults
  • Trauma Counselling
  • Counselling Clients with Depression
  • Mediating
  • Running Group Counselling and Therapy Sessions
  • Fight or Flight and the Relaxation Response Review •
  • Powerful Tools for Holistic Counselling
  • Creative Expression Therapy

Required Reading:
The Games People Play by Eric Berne, PhD

  • Introduction to telephone counselling
  • Using Zoom and other online platforms for counselling
  • Outline of the counselling call
  • The seven core principles of telephone counselling
  • Feelings are key
  • Active listening
  • Minimal encourages
  • Reflection of content
  • Exploration of feelings
  • Open and closed questions
  • Guidelines for summarising
  • Basic telephone counselling communication guidelines
  • Barriers to effective communication
  • Listening skills
  • Self-care
  • Warnings and contras – When not to use telephone counselling
  • Domestic violence and suicidal clients
  • Role-play exercises

Required reading:
The telephone counselor’s role play handbook by Kerry Doolan
Telephone Counselling – A Handbook for Practitioners by Maxine Rosenfield

  •  Introduction grief and loss counselling
  • What is grief?
  • Healing the wounds of grief
  • Grief takes time
  • The journey through grief
  • The grief processes
  • The role of the holistic grief counsellor
  • The pitfalls to avoid
  • Influencing factors on grieving
  • Resources and referrals
  • Complicated grief
  • Depressive grief and clinical depression
  • Dealing with Acute Emergency Situations (AES)
  • The grief counsellor’s role in AES
  • Guidelines for grief counselling
  • Counselling the dying
  • Taking care of yourself
  • Debriefing
  • Introduction to trauma and abuse counselling
  • Trauma
  • How healing happens
  • Foundational Relationship Attachment Concepts
  • Abuse
  • Treatments and Solutions
  • The Role of Love in Healing from trauma and/or Abuse
  • Earned Secure Adult Attachment

Required Reading:
Earned Secure Adult Attachment by Kerry Doolan

  • Introduction to holistic marriage and relationship counselling
  • Benefits of holistic marriage and relationship counselling
  • Issues to consider
  • Attachment styles
  • Communication styles
  • Issues for a couple to consider
  • Love Maps
  • Strategies for success in making marriages work
  • Meditation as an effective modality in relationship mediation

Required Reading:
Wired for Love:
How Understanding Your Partner’s Brain Can Help You Defuse
Conflicts and Spark Intimacy by Stan Tatkin, PsyD. MFT.

  • Introduction to Post Traumatic Stress disorder
  • Understanding PTSD
  • The vagus nerves
  • Foundational Relationship Attachment Concepts
  • The effects of abuse and neglect in early life
  • The effects of depression, stress and anxiety
  • Treating depression
  • Understanding panic attacks
  • Working with grief and loss
  • Tools for managing PTSD
  • Using art therapy to treat PTSD
  • Designing meditations for PTSD
  • Talk therapy and PTSD
  • Designing programs and workshops for PTSD
  • Self-care for PTSD counselors

Required Reading:
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk

  • Types of Childhood Trauma
  • Theta waves and the realm of imagination
  • The wounded child
  • Tools, exercises, and activities for working with the Inner-Child
  • Designing Inner-Child healing programs and workshops

Required Reading:
Heal Your Inner Child by Glenn Harrold, FBSCH, Dip C.H.

  • Creating Safe Environments
  • Client Centred Therapy
  • Understanding Anger
  • Anger Management
  • The Polyvagal Theory
  • Ethics for Holistic Counsellors
  • Client Assessment

Required Reading:
Holistic Counselling – A New Vision for Mental Health by Dr. Patricia Sherwood

The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy: Engaging the Rhythm of
Regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) by Deb A. Dana

Case Study Sessions
Students will take five volunteer clients through hour-long counseling sessions each week for 10 weeks. Supervision and guidance will be provided via email to assist students with planning and facilitating the case study sessions.
Case study sessions may be conducted in your own home, live via video conferencing (like Zoom), or at a well-being center in your local area.
Volunteers will complete a review and email this to the college after each session to provide feedback on the student’s counselling abilities.

The exam is a written essay submitted detailing the experiences gained
through the case study sessions.

  • Meditation as therapy
  • Introduction to holistic psychotherapy
  • Psychodynamic Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
  • Interpersonal Therapy
  • Thought Field Therapy
  • Sand-play Therapy
  • Rebirthing-breathwork
  • Neuro Linguist Programming
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Expressive Therapy
  • Drama and Role Play Therapy
  • Art Therapy
  • Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Develop ideas based on acquired knowledge and accumulated experience
  • Complete a major research project
  • Create a substantial piece of writing to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of selected topics
  • Introduction to Meditation for Women in Transition and Women’s Mid-life Health and Wellbeing
  • Defining the Mature Woman (mid-life)
  • The Mature Woman in Modern Society
  • What Older Women Really Want
  • The Role of the Therapist Working with Women in Mid-life
  • Health Issues for Mature Women
  • Menopause
  • Empty Nest Syndrome
  • Marriage Breakdown
  • Career Changes
  • Sexuality and Older Women
  • Positive Health Habits for the Mature Woman
  • Tools and Exercises
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Herbs
  • Defining and Meeting Needs
  • Hormones Research Project
  • Working with Women from Diverse Cultural Backgrounds
  • Working with Women Individually
  • Working with Women in Groups
  • Inner Goddess Workshops
  • Running Women’s Retreats

Open book exam based on the required reading book: The Female Brain

Required Reading:
The Female Brain by Dr Louann Brizendine

  • The Psychological Issues for Men’s Health
  • Physiological Issues for Men’s Health
  • Love and Self-Love
  • Sex & Sexuality
  • Emotional Guidance Strategies
  • Alienation
  • Relationship Breakdown
  • Suicide Ideation
  • Alcoholism
  • Drug Dependence
  • Working with Substance Abuse
  • Working with Suicidal, Potentially Suicidal & Self-Harming Clients
  • Working with the Emotionally Disconnected Male
  • Tools for Healing

Required Reading:
Manhood by Steve Biddulph

The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine

Design a six-week meditation program comprised of six x 1 ½ hour sessions. Including mapping intent and processes of achieving the desired outcomes.

Students are required to provide three detailed references from students who have studied meditation with them for more than a total of 10 hours each.

Next Start Dates:

Pay in full:  $8497 CAD
Payment plan: First payment of $497 + 35 monthly payments of $230
(Payment Plan Total = $8547)