
The School of Meditation & Transformative Studies

Connect & Create a Life You Love

Connection to self through meditation brings awareness. The first step to any change and growth is awareness.

Connect to self through meditation & create a life you love.

The School of Meditation & Transformative Studies offers online (globally) and in-person (Canada) training and education to aspiring health and wellness practitioners and seasoned practitioners alike.

We offer a variety of courses: some for beginners to get started and others at the post-graduate level for practitioners to further their knowledge and practice. 

Our mission is to offer the highest quality evidence-based training with tailored support to ensure the success of all of our students.

Our Founding Director

Meet Sharla Goodwin

Before Sharla started her 0wn journey of personal growth and development she had lost hope and excitement for the future.

Once she started meditating and learning about positive psychology,  energy & manifestation as well as how our thoughts and beliefs affect us her life changed. She found renewed hope for a bright future where she knew she could create whatever she wanted.

It’s her passion to help others gain hope for a better and brighter future living a life they’ve always desired.

She firmly believes that the pathway to all growth and change comes from awareness. And awareness comes from intimately knowing oneself. Mindfulness and meditation is a calm and peaceful entrance to awareness.

This is why she has become an advocate for meditation and mindfulness and uses it in all the work she does.

Becoming a meditation teacher empowers you to help others do this as well.             

Follow your path and calling to do something different.     

Help people become calmer and more at peace; feel more relaxed and better in their own skin.

This positive calm energy will ripple out to others.

Love oneself, feel good, practice pleasure and ease, be happy and radiant to attract and be all they want to be.

Live authentically – fully expressed.

Care about health and life balance in all senses of the words.

Body, mind, soul.

Remove rigid constraints.

Create a life you love while helping others do the same.     

In the Media

The School of Meditation & Transformative Studies is a licensed training provider of the IMTTA


The IMTTA provides Holistic Training Organisations, all over the world, with ethical, industry accredited, evidence based, human focused and high quality training materials, courses and resources, with a strong focus on personal empowerment and Meditation as a healing therapy.

Any person who has graduated from an IMTTA training course through any IMTTA accredited Training Organization is offered to join IMTTA after graduation.